Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

116 Glenn Falls St

Peachland, NC 28133



My trek to Jon G’s started a little past Saturday noon (only day they are open) and extended into the late afternoon. We first had to drive from Charlotte to Peachland to get takeout of supposedly the best Brisket on this side of the Mississippi. After that, it was the long wait and then the drive home. Now was it worth it? Well, yes and no. The experience was quite enjoyable. I had good Q company in Rock’n Roy for the trip. Also, the long hour or so in line was offset by the free beer from the great Jon G folks, the Rock’n Roy purchase and in-line eating of a delightful Carolina Q sandwich, and the friendly folks standing with me. Our anticipation heightened as we approached the door as certain menu items were nixed. Still, the Brisket, which was what we came for, was still in hand. As we finally got into the restaurant, anticipation grew.

We saw market-style serving similar to the Soup Kitchen episode on Seinfeld, where you nicely ordered and moved down the line. As things would have it, when we were about six back from the counter, they nixed the Brisket!!! Everyone gasped, and the line quickly dissolved like the Wicked Witch in Oz. We made our order of what was left: Carolina Pork and some Cheer Wine sausages. Whoop de do! Now It made for good feeding for Annabelle and me that evening, and all in all, was good Q for the Charlotte vicinity. However, I missed having that Mac Daddy Brisket immensely. Will I go back? You bet it was a fun adventure, and I still need to taste that supposed best of the best Brisket. However, I will get there early, cause I don’t want to hear, “No Brisket for You!!!”