Mon. Mar 31st, 2025


Good Eats ……… 

Wow, looking at this site and the Q pages, you wonder if we/me put too much thought into eating and such.  Belay that wondering, I do at that and find it quite natural to indulge in eating or thinking about great food.  It’s part of the good life and such that it is constantly on my mind and part of the reason I stay in “reasonably” good shape to enjoy it!

Packed into this list are the side morsels and libations I have enjoyed at countless restaurants, diners, grills, and dives.  Plus, did I leave out home? That is not only where the heart l but where I find some of the most incredible morsels on these lists.  However, I will add these succulent home dishes at another time.

The links to the lists for Destination Eats and Vicinity Eats is the distinguishing tool I will use for my favorite dining locales. Destination Eats is GREAT food. I would drive out of my way to partake and perhaps make it my ultimate destination.   It may be that the establishment or menu item is unique in character, or the food is just doggone delicious.  Perhaps both!  Vicinity Eats is still real GOOD and way above the average offering and a favorite, but not one I would really drive far distances to eat.  I like it a lot, but it does not approach the feast or uniqueness that Destination Eats provides.

Also, please be aware my favorite dining locales generally are not chains nor even the upscale chains, but more of the local homegrown variety. Mostly probably a lunchtime feast.  They may be good but not quite what I am detailing on these pages; however, there will no doubt be exceptions because my palate cannot be chained by these mere written words.   So, local joints in the form of diners, cafes, and dives will be more of the rule here rather than the exception, but there will be no doubt exceptions.  Probably even some chains….eccccck.  Nevertheless, what we are after here is a creditable food here in these lists.  So, if my palate says good/excellent, then let it be written, let it be told!

It should also be noted that those not in the above lists should not be thought of as great Good Eats. Perhaps I have not eaten there yet! Probably a pretty good chance here since most of my past searching has been more Q oriented.  Nevertheless, as you will see, I am making progress.

Most of the time, I use the word-of-mouth approach in targeting.  Speaking of this, I get lots of help from the ole lunch Posse that have traveled far and wide to try out these tantalizing treats with me.  So special thanks to, of course, Annabelle, Chickadee, BennyB, Bobby, DandyDoug, Darla, Don Juan, Hurricane, LeCue,  Messy, MiaMyra, Penguin, TGB, Weave, and The Wing.

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