Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

2729 South Blvd Suite D

Charlotte, NC 28209704-275-5558


Ah, The Waterman. What can I say? Well, just this… hands down, this is my favorite seafood place. As some of you know, I don’t eat fish, only shellfish and such. Anyway, this is IT when I want Lobster, Crabs, and Oysters! Currently, when attending with MoS, my favorite is, clam chowder and then a lobster roll. It depends on the temperature whether I go for the Maine or Connecticut  but both are incredibly delicious. In a jiffy it takes me back to my summertime college years in New England. Also, the crafty beer options are great but just usually opt for half-half tea for lunch. But later in the day, watch out! Anyway, you can’t go wrong here, folks, so I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.