Fri. May 10th, 2024

Midwood Smokehouse
1401 Central Ave
Charlotte, NC 28205
Mon-Thu 11am-1am
Fri-Sat 11am-2am
Sun 11am-12am



Midwood is another example of nouveau barbecue restaurants popping up in urban environments across the south.  They can usually be identified by a more neutral to Texas bent cooking style, regional choice of sauce, nice sides, tremendous beer selection and management/owner on the young side of forty. Also, last and certainly not least, the cost per meal is at least a 1/3 or 1/2 higher than your traditional in the sticks Q joint.  Not that there is anything wrong with the aforementioned (except the cost), but definitely times are a changing in the Q world!

In any extent, Midwood was quite good.  As an appetizer we had some excellent bacon wrapped jalapenos   My entree pork sandwich that was suppose to be “tossed” in a eastern NC vinegar sauce.  Maybe so, but the q did not have the ring of an eastern sandwich, which was okay since it good in its own right.  Sides were puppies and collards that were right on the mark.  All washed down of course with some splendid half and half tea.  Nice feast if I say so myself.  I shall return!

(In fact I did return and had the special brisket sandwich with the same sides.  Good rendition of that special Texas treat.  I shall again return.  And it will probably be for the ribs!!!)